Friday 28 June 2013

600 pts Space Marines - shooty list

Ever since I started my Howling Griffons, I have always included a combat-oriented jump squad with chaplain.  However, I have recently been experimenting the following list for an Invasion event at Warhammer World in August:

HQ - Master of the Forge with conversion beamer on a bike

Troops - 5 sniper Scouts with camo cloaks
Troops - basic Tactical Squad
Dedicated transport - Razorback with TL assault cannon

Fast Attack - Landspeeder Storm with MM
Fast Attack - Stormtalon with skyhammer

I have played a couple of games on 4 foot tables and either lost or drawn, but on 6 foot tables I have won both games.  This includes tabling a footslogging eldar list yesterday, with a Wraithlord, a Spiritseer, Wraithguard, 3 Jetbikes and 5 Warp Spiders.

Of course, the conversion beamer works best over 42 inches, so it needs the larger table for maximum effect.  Even so, over 18 inches the S8 AP4 blast still caused a good number of casualties.

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